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SPARC Open Meeting: Standardized Rights Statements

On October 23, 2024 at 9:30 am

Chelcie Juliet Rowell will present a lightning talk on implementing standardized rights statements (SRS) at Harvard Library. They will situate current work within earlier Harvard Library efforts, describe benefits of SRS to users and staff, and share what’s next….

Past Events

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Digital Collections Discussion Group, 2023–present

Under the guidance of the UX and Discovery team, the Digital Collections Discussion Group creates a space for connection among Harvard staff working on digital collections. The Digital Collections Discussion Group wiki page includes meeting notes, as well as recordings, slides, or speaker notes from select presentations. A HarvardKey is required to view.


Carbone, Maura, Enrique Diaz, Maura Meagher, Phil Plencner, and Vanessa Venti. “Improving Discovery with Open-Source Tools: An Overview of Harvard Library’s Migration Project.” Panel presentation given at the Harvard IT Summit, Cambridge, MA, June 6, 2024.

Venti, Vanessa. “Translating a Digital Collection: Adding Arabic to Coptica at Harvard.” Lightning talk presented at Harvard Library’s Special Collections & Archives Council (SPARC) Open Meeting, Cambridge, MA, May 16, 2024.

Boyd, Ceilyn. “Transforming a Digital Collection into a Data Collection: Houghton Library’s Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation, and Freedom (SAEF) Collection.” Presentation given at the Harvard Kennedy School Data + Donuts Speaker Series, Cambridge, MA, May 3, 2024.

Venti, Vanessa, Micha Broadnax, and Sarah Demott. “Celebrating Collaborative Digital Collections.” Sponsor video presented at the Digital Commonwealth Annual Conference, Virtual, April 30, 2024.

Rowell, Chelcie Juliet. “Harm Reduction for Digital Collections.” Conversation facilitated at a joint meeting of Harvard Library’s Trauma-Informed Librarianship Discussion Group and Photo Discussion Group, Virtual, April 12, 2024.

Rowell, Chelcie Juliet. “Traversing the Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap.” Conversation facilitated at Harvard Library’s Digital Stewardship Reading Club, Virtual, March 26, 2024.


Rowell, Chelcie Juliet. “Sustaining Digital Collections.” Guest lecture delivered to students in HIST 630: Transforming Archives and History in the Digital Era, University of Massachusetts Boston, December 4, 2023.

Alger, Stephanie, Anna Van Someren, Emily Zoss, and Mike Rippy. “Demystifying Digital Catalogue Decisions.” Panel presentation given at the 2023 National Museum Publishing Seminar, Chicago, IL, August 29, 2023.

Rowell, Chelcie Juliet. “Curating the Information Wanted Historical Dataset.” Short talk presented at a speaker series for Harvard Library’s graduate fellows in historic data curation, Virtual, July 19, 2023.

Vanessa Venti. “CURIOSity 3.0 Open Demo.” Demonstration presented at a Harvard Library open meeting, Cambridge, MA, February 9, 2023.

2022 and earlier

Venti, Vanessa, Michael Vandermillen, and Robin Wendler. “From Catalogs to CURIOSity: The LibraryCloud Metadata Hub.” Panel presentation given at Harvard Library’s celebration of Love Data Week, Cambridge, MA, February 16, 2022.

Venti, Vanessa. “From Catalogs to CURIOSity: How Harvard Library Uses LibraryCloud.” Demonstration presented at a Harvard Library brown bag lunch, Cambridge, MA, January 7, 2020.

Venti, Vanessa. “Introducing CURIOSity Digital Collections.” Demonstration presented at a Harvard Library open meeting, Cambridge, MA, November 1, 2019.